This movie tells the story of Laila, a young Indian girl with cerebral palsy who challenges her family's cultural norms by becoming an outspoken advocate for disabled people. An old man in the village gives Laila a sense of responsibility to care for him and she starts to take on his work. One day, she begins writing about her father because he is always away from home and not present in her life. Laila's mother soon assigns Lulla to take care of the old man full-time. This makes it difficult for Laila to undertake all these responsibilities so following prompts from Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium, she learns how to sew puppets as well as sharpen pencils. Her unusual hobbies leave her at a loss to explain to her teacher why they are inappropriate. She takes the opportunity to invent a new method of teaching, with the help of classmates Edna, Peter and Aggie. When Laila's grand plans for Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium fail, she goes back home. Her mother is not pleased with her lack of progress and she begrudgingly arranges for a community organization to assist Laila. Laila is also frustrated when she continues going to school despite being sent home by teachers because she can no longer walk or talk which is required for such an institution. She tells her mother she wants to drop out of school and be a writer. Laila's mother is horrified by this suggestion and takes her to a marriage market in the village. One of the suitors turns out to be a potential employer for Laila but the arrangement is disrupted when her father returns from abroad. In their argument, Laila manages to get across that she doesn't want to get married yet. Laila decides not to marry but instead focus on developing her writing career. When people from the community visit Laila at home, she convinces them that disabled people can do many things, including teaching and working at a newspaper, so they start working there too. Eventually, Laila and some of the other disabled people form a new kind of non-profit organization for disabled people. After hearing about some disabled people who were committed to an asylum in the country due to the low standard of care they receive, Laila decides to set up a facility just like that in her village. She also starts giving talks at schools and on radio so that young people can learn more about disability. Laila has made many friends who support her but her mother is against her doing this work until she is able to walk or talk properly. The film ends with Laila and her mother finally coming to terms with each other and Laila's mother congratulates her on all her achievements.
The film has been praised for its realistic portrayal of Indian families and their relationships, as well as Laila's disability and the choices she makes about her future. The film has also been praised for normalizing disabled femininity. "Margarita With a Straw" was invited to the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival, where it premiered on 10 September 2014.
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