Simulator app, available within Xcode, presents the iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch user interface in a window on your Mac computer.. Note: If you are testing an app with a deployment target of iPad, you can test only on a simulated iPad.
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To run your app in Simulator, choose an iOS simulator—for example, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air, or iPhone 6 + Apple Watch - 38mm—from the Xcode scheme pop-up menu, and click Run.. ) - auto scaling of windows to fit screen - same scrollbars as in mobile devices - use of a mobile user. تحميل برنامج تشغيل الهاتف على الكمبيوتر تعريف
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For more detailed information on interacting with Simulator and using it to test and debug your apps, refer to the later chapters in this guide.. Running Your iOS AppWhen testing an app in Simulator, it is easiest to launch and run your app in Simulator directly from your Xcode project.. The first way is to run your app in Simulator, and the second way is to launch Simulator without running an app.. Important:The information in this document is deprecated in Xcode 9 For Xcode 9 and later, see Simulator Help by choosing Help > Simulator Help in Simulator.. X-Plane is the most powerful and accurate flight simulator available for personal computers, but it doesn’t just run on Windows; the version of X-Plane sold here at X-Plane.. Mobile Emulator For MacMac Simulator WindowsMac Simulator For Windows 10Mobile Simulator For Mac CatalinaMobile Device Simulator For MacDownload Farming Simulator 19 for macOS 10.. The chapter presents the basics of using Simulator You can perform these steps using your own iOS app or, if you do not have an app to use, with the HelloWorld sample code.. Xcode builds your project and then launches the most recent version of your app running in Simulator on your Mac screen, as shown in Figure 1-1.. If you are testing an app with a deployment target of iPhone or universal, you can test on either a simulated iPhone or a simulated iPad. 518b7cbc7d